Here are people at the Melbourne Cup (fascinator on the right):

I might just wear this jellyfish looking one to my next fancy event:

Found here
Andrew's sister Jessica wearing my favorite fascinator in Australia:
She just got this new one:

Too bad Reade isn't a girl or we would have a fascinator first birthday party.
I am so glad you like them Shannon! If you send me a picture of an outfit or at least the colors, I will try to pick up a reasonably priced facinator for you! :)
(AND Australia's dollar tanked, so you get a 20% discount. Yay for you! boo for me.)
aaaaaah so that's what they're called. I saw Prince William's g'friend wearing them and thought she kinda looked dumb in them because her hair was long and straight and there was this thing just plopped on there randomly. Need shorter hair or hair pulled back to make it work, don't you think? Jessica wears it much better than her!
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