I had envisioned Andrew practicing baseball with his sons on the grassy field next to the lake:

Another downer is that my favorite spin teacher has finished subbing for one of the regular teachers. He taught the first class I ever took and you can't beat his music selection. He had a way of making you feel like you were in a serene setting and the hills really were getting steeper. The teacher today was a kill joy. I would like to state that country music does not make for fun spin music. Jeesh. I felt like yelling, "What does it take to get a little Justin Bieber played around here?"
I don't think I have blogged about my total addiction to spin classes. I was so scared to try one and now I can't live without my three spin sessions each week. These machines call out to me every time I see them:

I was going to complain about something else, but I have forgotten what it was. I wish I had written this post yesterday so I could have called it Wednesday Whine and Wine. What a catchy phrase. I think I whine enough so setting a whole day aside for it just might drive my husband crazy.