I did a wham-bam trip to Sacramento and back and have the photos to prove it.
I took off on Thursday evening thinking I would beat the Labor Day rush. Not so much :(. Everyone had the same idea and had motorcycles and camping gear packed in the back, ready to play. It took me an hour and twenty minutes just to get from Palo Alto to the Bay Bridge:
Once there, my kids had a great time at their grandparents:
Blake slept while we toured my sister's new digs. She is gaining more space and invited us to stay with her when we are in town. We will try it out, but she may not extend that offer again!:
I fought long and hard for a couch off of craigslist (13 emails later). Yes, I just bought a craigslist couch, but why not buy two? The woman could only do the exchange on Saturday so I told her I would "swing by" San Francisco on my way home from Sac. I left at 6:37pm and was at her house by 8pm. My kids sat patiently in the car while we carried this behemoth of a couch down three flights of stairs and two banister turns. I missed the very last step near the sidewalk and scraped off some flesh, but it was all worth it. My minivan just topped the Eurovan for flexible interior space.
I took out the middle seat on one side and stacked it on the passenger's seat. Then, I wedged the stroller in front of it. On top of that, sits my Nana and Grandpa's pendant light from the 60's that retracts up and down. It works and looks soooooo fantastic in the Eichler. Pictures to follow of course. Don't forget the estate sale bread box my mom sent me home with:
I told Blake this was the gold treasure we got for going through the Treasure Island tunnel. I have spent all day cleaning the cushions (Ellen scrubbed the entire frame) and can't wait to post pictures of it in all of its glory:
Sandy, Paul, and the kids are in town for the three day weekend and we just had a great BBQ followed by a trip to Target and ice cream cupcakes from the ice cream parlor down the road. What a great day.