Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Vote Here

I did not vote yesterday. How horrible is that? I ALWAYS vote and ALWAYS yell at everyone else to vote so shame on me. Maybe I would have voted had my child not split his head open? I used to harp on people who gave me excuses like that. So today I am going to redeem myself by hosting an election regarding chocolate.

Vote Today! Dark vs. Milk (leave your comment and we will see who wins)

Side-by-side comparison to help you make your decision:
(Trader Joe's Swiss Milk Chocolate & Trader Joe's 71% Cacao Swiss Dark Chocolate)
Serving size: about half the bar
Calories:............. 230................ 240
Total Fat:............ 23% ...............28%
Sat. Fat: ..............45%................ 55%
Cholest.: ...............3%................. 0%
Sodium:................ 2% ................ 0%
Tot. Carb: .............8% .................6%
Fiber:................... 0% ................ 20%
Sugars: ............... 22g .................12g
Protein: ............... 3g .................. 3g

: Cane sugar, Cocoa butter, Whole milk powder, Cocoa mass, Carmelized sugar, Soy lecithin, Vanilla extract
DARK: Cocoa mass, Cane sugar, Cocoa butter, Vanilla bean pods

I am trying to branch out and add more dark chocolate into my chocolate habit. It has been hard since I want to chase the dark chocolate with some milk chocolate to give me that oh, so happy feeling I get from my addiction.

Don't forget to vote. I won't accept lame excuses like medical emergencies either!


Shannon said...


Anonymous said...

Depends on the mood. If I could only have one though I'd go milk.

Danika said...

I have non-voting guilt, too :( I think if you've been to the hospital/urgent care within a week of election day there's an exemption. Oh well. Cacao-vote 2010 is easy, though - Dark all the way!(everyday:) Around 70% is my ideal mood adjuster.

Steph said...

Definitely milk!

Megana said...

dark every time, without exception. could mimic my preference in men? heh.

did you know Martha prefers milk, i was surprised!

I only voted because Jinnah took my ballot to the place for me.

jdh said...


Suz and Mark said...

Dark. I didn't vote in the primaries either for the first time in YEARS :(. If Dark wins does it get to run off against a different dessert/candy all together in a few months? Like dark chocolate vs. butterscotch?

sls said...

Milk chocolate FTW. Why bother to vote; politicians seem all the same to me.