In my head her name will be: First (Something?) Middle (Hallie Kay) Last (Hurst)
If I were to follow the pattern we currently have she would be: Elizabeth Hallie Kay Hurst. Today, I opened those big books of names and came up with these:
Rosie Hallie Kay Hurst (I vowed to not repeat the first letters of my kid's names)
Lollie Hallie Kay Hurst (a little much)
Dixee Hallie Kay Hurst
Ivee Hallie Kay Hurst
Scratch that, I like Ivey Hallie Kay Hurst
I liked the idea of having the name end in "E" like Blake and Reade. This is the first my husband will see of my choices so rest assured, I am sure 100% of these will be vetoed. Vote amongst yourselves. Oh, and my absolute name of choice would be Dolores Hallie Kay Hurst (after my mother), but she fights that one tooth and nail. I love the idea of calling her Dee. Oh well.
Do you pronounce it Halley like the comet?
Why two middle names? What's wrong with Halley / Hallie itself?
My maternal grandmother was Hallie (yes, like the comet) and my paternal grandmother's name is Kathleen (hence the Kay). If I name her Hallie, everyone will confuse it with Hayley.
NO! Not like the comet. Andrew had to correct me. I said it HAL-E in my head. See, I am even messing this up now.
Caroline Hallie Kay Hurst!
Of course Caroline! We both like Olive and that name has stuck around for a few days now.
Ooh! I really like Olive too!
I like the last two the most, Ivee and Ivey. Very pretty names! Did Andrew veto these?
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