Monday, June 15, 2009

It's Not My Fault

My mother gave me another book to read (Show Me The Way by Jennifer Lauk) and one paragraph made me feel much better. She wrote how her son turned three and she was so happy she didn't have to worry that he would die if he were to walk three feet away from her. I thought three feet was a liberal distance considering Blake can put himself in danger only inches away from my feet. Anyways, the passage made me feel less like a freaked out mother and more like I am just going through one of the stages of raising a child.

So with that in mind, I was clicking around craigslist and found someone selling a device to latch your baby to your seatbelt while on a plane. It peaked my interest due to our recent flight. Once the video started (which is below so you can all go through what I had to endure), I knew I had to call Andrew over to watch. And I wonder why I worry about Blake day in and day out? This is what I am up against as a new parent? There is no hope. Now at least when someone calls me overbearing I will direct them to this website.


laz said...

That CG baby bounced right off the top of the airplane. I bet it was fine.

Skyla said...

Talk about guilting you into buying a product! What baby really sits there for a whole flight anyways?

Shannon said...

Yeah, Blake was so wedged between our legs on the floor that he wouldn't have gone anywhere had there been turbulance.

Danika said...

That was awesome! I can't stop laughing ... maybe that makes me a bad mom... :) Please post more products that I MUST have.

Jesse said...

Ok I can't watch the video with the sound on (the kids are awake and will come running), but that is the FUNNIEST thing I have seen in a long time!! Still laughing!