Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Flu Food

What does one do when they have the flu?  They attend a cooking class with tons of other people where they are tasting things and passing communal bowls around for everyone to taste.  Sorry Seattle, but I just spread some localvore germs.

I bought Andrew a cooking class for his birthday.  I wasn't the most fun date, but it was delicious food.  Everyone should check out Hipcooks.

Andrew making some handkerchief pasta.
I was not a fresh tomato person, but now I am.
Oh, the King salmon.  I stopped at the fish market yesterday and bought some for Andrew to grill up for dinner.  The instructor had this 16 lb. salmon flown in directly to her two days ago and she prepares it herself.  I am so spoiled and love how close we are to Alaska.
Dessert peaches off the grill waiting for us to adorn them with a yummy, infused yogurt topping.
Me doing the selfie while Andrew chit chats.  


Anonymous said...

For those reading, at least three other people there were quietly sneezing or coughing away from the food as well, it wasn't just Shannon :)

Skyla said...

Way to spread germs ou guys!! Really you are just helping strengthen everyone's immune systems right?