Thursday, January 30, 2014

::Elevator Music::

I can't always rely on craigslist for all of my decorating needs.  Sometimes I have to roll up my sleeves and create what I want.  

I hate painting.  I don't have the patience to paint.  It bothers me that I have to get everything ready, clean up, and then do it all over again tomorrow.  

Some women live for milk paint and chalk paint and whatever new paint is on the market.  I wish I could get into it, but that process makes me cranky right off the bat. 
Other people's hard work (probably with a lot less whining)
Things I do have patience for:
1. Waiting in parking lots for cars to back out.
2. Keeping my cool while my daughter throws everything in a four foot radius during a tantrum.  I will wait forever for her to pick that stuff up just to prove a point to her.
3. The time it takes for the two ferries in the Puget Sound to pass one another because it looks like one ship for half a second.
4. Babies to come out of my body.

I think those things make up for my snotty behavior while I paint stupid wood.

Speaking of patience, here are my kids waiting for me to get back into the minivan with some Krispy Kreme donuts (from last weekend):

1 comment:

Toma Prysykar said...
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