At 3 Months I:
* Can hold my head up
* Am wearing 6-12 month clothing
* Got my brother's cold resulting in another chest X-Ray to rule out pneumonia
* Find my mother and father completely entertaining
* Wake up without crying (sometimes I make cute squeaking noises)
* Try to laugh, but only a little gag sound comes out
* Let everyone hold me
* Can grasp toys for a couple of seconds
* Love to chew on my burp cloths (not so much on toys)
* Have good and bad nights (waking approx. 1-7 times per night to feed)
* Still hate the car seat
* Went overnight beach camping and slept in the VW Eurovan
* Will tolerate stroller rides now
* Don't mind when my brother sticks his face in mine
* Went through a long period where I barely ate anything and slept all day
* Still have a hint of red hair
Check out my Two Month photo.
He's looking so cute! And has already developed some interesting personality traits:)
Hey Big guy!! So cute.
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