Crazy diorama. I showed Blake the one with the swinging penguins, but they looked like they were being hanged so we quickly walked by that one.

Listening to the choir sing silent night.

Busy workers.

Hey Santa! It looks like Santa is telling Blake what he wants for Christmas.

What a pair.

Our family loves Santa.

So this trip was originally planned as our "get the Christmas tree" excursion, but Andrew found the Christmas In The Park website before we left. So by the end of downtown San Jose it was already 8:30pm and way past Blake's bedtime. We forged on to find a Christmas tree lot, but the two we drove by were already closed. We were driving down a main drag and I told Andrew we should just stop by Home Depot since it was about a mile up. Poor Blake had to be woken up only to find himself in front of Home Depot amongst a million trees still bound and piled next to each other. I laughed and told Andrew we should buy a bound tree (without seeing it in its full glory) so we could just plop it on top of the Prius and enjoy the surprise of what the tree may look like. Andrew is such a good sport and agreed so we threw the thing up on the car and zoomed home. We were pleasantly surprised when the tree opened up to a normal tree shape. Pictures will follow once the thing is dressed! So much for a natural tree experience.

Fa La La La La, La La, La, La
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