Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A Week Away

There are only a few types of flowers I truly enjoy.  A vase of flowers repulses me.  I can almost hear the flowers wilting before my eyes.  A dozen roses are only fun when I get to walk past a bunch of them at the grocery store.  Yes, I am a grouch.

I do have a heart (deep down) that feels love.  True love better than a million, red roses could ever bring.  This, my friends, is a pumpkin growing on a vine.  A pumpkin (this time a bunch of them) that my husband planted, nurtured, and protected.  I secretly stared at them for a long time today.  I stood there in the rain and just let my eyes feast on the orange beauties.  Andrew kept trying to get me to look at all the pumpkins a few weeks back, but it was early in their development.  I was so scared they were going to get eaten or rot away before my eyes.  I didn't want to get attached.  I am now seven ::gasp:: days away from when I get to harvest these pumpkins and put them all around the house.  October 1st is pumpkin day in my mind.  This will be the longest seven days ever!

Andrew's corn stalks drying out (as much as a corn stalk can in Seattle).

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